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Air Sealing

Ener G offers air sealing services for both residential and commercial applications in Maryland. We offer the air sealing services you need to complete your next project (Remodeling, Retrofits, and New Construction.)

Learn More About Our Services:

Air leakage is a major problem for both new and existing homes and can:

- Contribute 30 percent or more to heating and cooling costs
- Create comfort and moisture problems
- Draw in pollutants such as radon and mold
- Occur in openings which also serve as a prime entry for insects and rodents

To reduce air leakage effectively requires a continuous air barrier system to create a tight building envelope. An air barrier also minimizes air currents through insulation, helping maintain R-values. The air barrier should minimize air leakage through the building envelope - the boundary between the conditioned portion of the home and the unconditioned area.

To achieve this we use the following materials.

- Caulk
- Spray Foam
- Weatherstripping
- Foam Board
- Plywood
- Drywall
- Housewrap
- and many other materials 


Olney, MD 20832 


Phone:  301-363-1148 
Fax: 301-363-1148


Energy Star Home Performance 
Pepco Home Performance 
BGE Home Performance